To take my English to the next level, I joined Rachecl’s English Academy yesterday and committed to it. This page serves as my notebook.

Module 1: Getting Started

How to Record Myself & Be My Own Coach

Do the following two things several times a week to become my own coach.


  1. Record Pratice Sessions:
    • record myself doing Play it, Say it.
    • go back and listen to my pratice session and pay attention to how well I am matching the native speaker.
    • write down the words that are challenging for me and drill them over and over. This process develops my coach ability. I might feel frustrated because I couldn’t make a sound. But being able to notice the difference between my sound and the native speaker’s sound prepares me to make the correct sound!
  2. Record Free Talks:
    • record myself for 20-30 seconds talking about anything that is relevent to me, like my day, a book, a current event, a mathematician, a city, and so on. Or I can get a topic using some online random question generator. Start talking about the topic without planning my answer ahead.
    • go back and listen to my recording, checking not just my pronunciation, but also things like word choice, and grammar, and things that I struggled with expression on.
    • Think of all the words that I wanted and needed, look them up, learn them, write them down in my vocabulary book, pratice their pronunciations, and review them regularly. Go to or to hear the new words lots of times, and say it out loud lots of times.
    • Come up with a sentence that would have been useful to me for expressing that situation. Write it down, mark where my stress would be, then say it out loud, over and over.